Saturday, July 29, 2006

Back from Hiatus

Greetings All,
Well, between work, vacation, and all the work from coming back from vacation, riding and blogging have taken a back seat. But now after a lovely 21 mile spin this morning, I can give you an update. We had a lovely trip down to Arizona making a large loop to Tucson, then north to the high plateau exploring Flagstaff for a few days. Then north through Zion National Park to Cedar City where we enjoyed two days of the Shakespeare Festival.

In riding news, I have decided to sign up for the Cache Valley Century on August 26th. This should give me a good focus goal to work towards for the next 45 days or so.

On this morning's ride, I caught up with a fella riding a nice Rans V-Rex. First 'Bent I've seen in a long time on any of my rides. We had a nice few miles together as I was on the inward leg, and he was heading out for 50. Wish I had would have had time to just continue along with him. He is also expecting to ride Cache Valley, so we might be able to pace each other.

Here are a few pics from our desert adventure. Enjoy!

The spectacular view from the 18th tee at Arizona National.

The Lowell telescope in Flagstaff. The planet
Pluto was discovered using this telescope.

The Vermillion Cliffs, just west of Page, Arizona.

Zion National Park


Steeker said...

are you sure that's the telescope ? it looks alot bigger than the 13 telescope .... great blog so far

Steeker said...
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